Three doctors in a hallway

Third Year Residents

Second Year Residents

First Year Residents

Meet the Family Medicine Residents

Medical Students and Visitors,

Welcome to the FWMEP website. We are happy you are here! We are Brian York, DO and Michaela Roberts, MD, the current co-chief residents.

FWMEP offers the very best in Family Medicine practice. Our program provides top-notch education and creates physicians who effectively deliver quality healthcare to our community. One of the many advantages of training at our program is that you get an opportunity to tailor your training to your areas of interest. You would have the ability to train in operative obstetrics, obstetric ultrasounds, colonoscopies, MAT clinic exposure, osteopathic manipulation, and so much more. Our core curriculum is designed to introduce you to each of these areas while also facilitating an opportunity to practice full-spectrum family medicine. We have excellent core faculty members within our program who help you navigate through your training, every step of the way. We also offer generous CME allowances, journal subscriptions, and online access to resources like Up-to-date and Primary Care Rap.  

If you are a medical student, we encourage you to review the top 5 reasons the residents chose to train at FWMEP and consider coming out for a sub-internship rotation.

Fort Wayne offers the best of both worlds: access to big city amenities with a small town feel - and we love it here! Once you are here, we’d love to show how welcoming FWMEP is, and take you around our beautiful Midwestern city! 

- Brian and Michaela

Learn more about why our residents chose FWMEP as their Family Medicine Residency.